
Privacy is a way to protect oneself from the actions of others or organizations. Privacy carries the connotation of domination and restricted access. Individuals should be allowed to control the people who may have certain kinds of information and the context in which it appears. Information as privacy does not mean that it will never appear in the public's vision but refers to the traditional understanding that individuals can control whether their information is open to others and the extent and extent of its openness. Privacy is a secret that is unwilling or inconvenient to inform others, including the privacy of private information from other people's illegal collection, penetration, and the public, private life. With the emergence of new communication channels brought about by emerging media, personal privacy is easy to be found by others. For example, basic personal information, including name, sex, age, education, marital status, family members ID card number and other identification information. Contact information includes the mobile phone number, home phone, home address, and e-mail. And interest in consumer preference language and video chat records, as well as website browsing records online trading records. Believe that everyone has such experience, from time to time on the mobile phone spam or fraudulent text messages, once opened, the above is not an advertisement or a bank account to let you remit money, there is also a ringing of the phone and inexplicable e-mail spam information flooding and fixed phone number e-mail and other personal information has been relentlessly leaked and spread rampantly. There is an inseparable link. Spam information actors collect personal data using information media, and even illegally use and control other people's computers or smartphones to transmit spam information. These acts of disclosure, dissemination, and utilization of other people's personal information without the consent or authorization of the recipient are very serious.


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