Blog v Wiki

The blog is a way for individuals to disseminate their ideas and publish with links to knowledge sets. It is a combination of personal surname and publicity. It is not a pure expression of personal thoughts and a record of everyday trifles. It also provides content that can be used to communicate and help others.  Wiki is a collaborative writing tool for many people. It can be maintained by many people, and everyone can express their opinions, or expand or explore common themes. A wiki belongs to a kind of human knowledge network system. So wiki can help us share knowledge in this community.
But blogs can also be used for collaboration, according to the article, “Wal-Mart Tastemakers Write Unfiltered Blog”, shows blog are no less influential than wiki. Bloggers can write feedback on products that other buyers can see or comment on together. Because blogs are written in their own voices, they are not censored by companies. So it's even more convincing that after all, not all of us can change our blog, but we can comment on it. I don’t think wiki has any new that has not been done, but for the article, “Wikipedia: No longer the Wild West?”, it needs better supervision. After all, it's the most popular encyclopedia.



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