Creativity and New Media

In the past, the network has not developed, mainly to display the products of physical stores. Although in today's network era, physical stores still play an important role, because of the increasing number of online stores, it has a great impact on physical stores. Entity stores are expensive and cannot be operated for free and easy like online stores. The pictures above are the final project of my previous class which creates a website of my own, and at that time I thought about creating a website to auction hand-made dolls. Now there are many simple ways to open online stores, so the sale of things will not be so restrictive and through online publicity may sell better. The biggest advantage of online stores is that business hours are very random, entrepreneurs can be office white-collar workers or school students, whether working or reading will not affect the operation of online stores, because online stores are not like physical stores need to close, online stores are self-service sales, no business hours. People can freely sell what they want to sell by their imagination without opening a physical store. Some people say that clothes are sold in physical stores and pictures are sold in online stores. Whatever you sell in an online store can be unregulated, and you don't need to consider how many goods you have because it's not controlled by space. Online shopkeepers can put goods on the shelves according to their preferences, and they are very free to open their stores. And the things sold in online stores can be purchased by people all over the country so that there will be more people to buy than in physical stores. This is the convenience of the new media era.


  1. Hi Lezhen,
    I liked how you have your online store set up as your project and I think that products on your websites are very cute. I also believe that it is definitely more convenient to have an online store nowadays because of the convenience and the ability to reacher a much broader consumers by shipping globally. But the downside of having an online store is that if it's not a well-known name, it will take time and trusts from the consumers in order to buy from the websites in case of hacking an identity or such. But other than that, I believe online shopping is an easy and usually a pleasant experience for the consumers.

  2. Hi Lezhen,

    It is so cool that you created your own website but I think it is even cooler that you were able to turn it into the online store. What were some of the struggles on your way? I think a big advantage of having an online store is a cheap operation cost compare to an actual physical store. Good luck with your business!


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