Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

The virtual world can bring relaxation to people who are tense in their work, let us feel different happiness in the virtual world, and let us express what we dare not say in our hearts in this way. With the development of science and technology, the Internet makes our life more and more convenient. The Internet world also broadens our horizons, from which we can search for a lot of extracurricular knowledge. Let the life of teenagers become richer and richer. According to the article, “After Second Life, Can Virtual Worlds Get A Reboot”, Minecraft is mentioned in the article. It is a space for children to exercise their imagination and connect with others. They also want to build and create things. They use these worlds for entertainment, social networking, and learning. After all, the only opportunity for children to explore freely without their parents is in these virtual worlds. Nevertheless, we should prevent the disadvantage of being riddled with the virtual world. After all, the virtual world is different from the real world. One of the most creative that from the article “Naughty Auties' battle autism with virtual interaction” by Nicole Saidi, is that virtual reality can be used to simulate new environments for people with autism spectrum.  It's a great way for people with autism to set up situations they may encounter in their daily lives. For those with social, emotional and communication problems, virtual worlds can be used to familiarize them with the environment before they try it in real life. It is hoped that the future of the virtual world will develop more technologies to help these people with defects. Help them but don't give up their real life because of the virtual world. People live in the virtual world just to escape from the reality of the unsatisfactory. We should cherish our true relationship.



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